Recumbent Trike Construction Links

2 bikes side by side


Child Recumbent Project Page

John Simpkins trike

Ed ter Laare

Malcolm Steck's HPV'S

Gthun Trike page

HPV Construction Projects including Lean Steer Trike & Row Bike

Skoop's Frame building Page. Not really about recumbents but shows how to build a simple rear suspension system

Build your own solar car

Project Pandora - a Solar Assist HPV

Alleweder Trike

Darryl Shelswell's Recumbents

Trike Stability So exactly why do trikes fall over? (Acrobat file)

Bevin Ferris's trike, the silver tubing is aluminum glued to mild steel joints.

Recumbent Trike Project by Phil Edwards



Peter Elends tandem trike


From: "Robert Stein" [email protected]
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001
Subject: [trikes] B3 drawings and...

For those who rather light the torch and do their trikes at home rather than buzing one I uploaded two drawings and a shortish description on how to build a trike like Beta 3 is. If something is not exactly clear or... well, check it out. I'll be glad to correct any kind of mistake I've made....


From: Giles Puckett [email protected]
Subject: [trikes] Plans for LMH are online!

A first stab at plans for Lean Mean & Hungry is at Look at it in conjunction with the photos page at

I'll be updating it with more detail as time goes on, I still need to draw up the steering geometry and give all the angles etc.


Thursday, 29 January 2009